Sunday, September 9, 2018

Federal Job Guarantee and Cancellation of All Student Debt

Improve lives, the country, 
communities and the economy! 

Professors of economics at Levy Institute have an EXCELLENT Job Guarantee proposal that would provide a living wage plus benefits, shorter hours, part time could be chosen, and work would include all the socially useful things that a community decides it would like. Things like: caregiving, senior assistance, help for shut-ins and new mothers, community gardening, creating and sharing arts and music, and so on. Our elected officials have neglected such services and support for DECADES because they have been doing only what the people intent on ‘for profit’ systems tell them to do.

This excellent federal Job Guarantee has aspects of Basic Income but is far superior. It gives ‘we the people’ the power and control over our lives and communities. Meanwhile, our establishment (corporate-owned) politicians have been putting out INFERIOR proposals that would keep us desperate and willing to work for the low wages we have had for far too long (since the 70s, when the powerful ramped up their attack on ‘people power’ and union power).

The professors also advocate for cancellation of ALL student debt, and have a paper detailing that, as well as many papers on their Job Guarantee. Their papers are available at Levy Institute online for people to read, and there are numerous presentations, interviews and blogs by many of the professors online. Youtube carries many interviews and presentations that have been filmed and made available to the public. The professors also have an excellent ‘Deficit Owls’ Youtube channel (as well as being on Twitter and Facebook) with information they want the public to know about how we have been misled about our federal money. * 

Excellent info page with links:  
Professor Tcherneva:
*For instance, probably the biggest myth that our politicians keep pushing is that taxes fund federal spending, when the truth is that the federal government can issue ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY for anything that is physically possible, so we simply need to PLAN for the things we would like and ensure there is enough labor, goods, machinery, etc!)

Monday, July 16, 2018

The REAL Reason for the 'Bad Russia' Propaganda (And Now 'Bad China')

Let's take a brief look at what has been going on for YEARS before the current indictment-collusion-'Russia interfered with our election' soap opera performance was staged to dupe and distract us.  

Here is the backstory that you will not see in our propaganda media. 

Russia and China have been forming a coalition with other countries for over ten years, a coalition that aims to have productive, constructive, FAIR dealings with other countries, unlike the dealings of our greedy sociopathic money addicts. BRICS is the name of it, look it up - not much from our corporate-owned media, of course, but the info is out there. Links to start you off: 

BRICS 2017 summit wrap-up  
BRICS 2017 excellent discussion
Putin speaks on final day of BRICS 2017
2016 article about Russia/China energy deal

Our establishment wants to do things against the main powers in BRICS, because they hate other countries eluding their control and greed. Our money addicts want to control and profit from the entire globe. They were floating several 'bad Russia' attempts before they got traction with the 'interfered with our election' lie. Of course they ran with it, and used it for many things - distraction from real issues that their greed has caused, distraction from establishment cheating and rigging, justification for censorship so we simpletons don't get the 'wrong' info, and the usual warmongering for the profiteers. 

The TPP deal was actually their first attempt against BRICS, to block and harm the success of the countries trying to escape the grasp, the greed and control of the US money addicts. And our 'bad China' fearmongering propaganda is ramping up - did you see the Lee Camp episode about the congressional hearing and the CRAP they were saying?

Hell, our greedy sociopaths even INSTALLED YELTSIN in the 90s and PLUNDERED RUSSIA with him as their puppet - Putin reversed much of that when he came into power, so of course many of those who were then stopped from enjoying their money streams of Russian money must hold a grudge against Putin. 

Our establishment bastards will NEVER tell us why they are really doing ANYTHING, so we must look behind what they say to see what their goals are - and the goals will never be good or humane with sociopathic money addicts in charge. You know we are committing genocide/Holocaust in Yemen (or 'helping' Saudi Arabia do it), right? Guess why? Yemen is part of the Belt Road transport for BRICS and maybe some other countries that wanted to use it.

So are you starting to see the nefarious, greedy, sociopathic INSANITY that is done because money addicts sociopaths? Are you realizing that NOTHING our establishment tells us can be taken at face value and that this is how it has been for decades? Even the crazy tariffs are part of the attempt to cause harm to many of the countries in the BRICS coalition! The lie the public is told is that the tariffs are imposed because we have a 'trade imbalance' - our sociopaths know that most of the public is not informed enough about economics to see this lie for the bullshit excuse that it is.

(Update Dec 2018: I assume our sociopaths also helped to elect the new president in Brazil, since Brazil previously was part of BRICS, and now is doing some actions against Cuba and Russia; also, Bolsonaro trumpeted about 'privatizing' things in Brazil. Privatization is the biggest scam ever and is not at all like a regular 'private' company, it enriches the corrupt massively via national money, government money, that is SUPPOSED to be used to provide for the good of all and to generate a decent economy - but again, the public has been confused and misinformed for decades by the sociopaths in power.) 

I hope this helps some who have been hooked on the soap opera; maybe now they will stop being duped and go after our entire corrupt establishment and fight the real issues - endless and multiple wars, war crimes, destruction of the planet, sociopathic greed, elected officials neglecting their responsibilities to the country and to the American people, and so on. REAL CHANGE needs to happen, and it will not happen with lying, cheating, sociopaths in charge and creating the talking points.  

Fortunately, with about a million people attending the World Cup in Russia, many found out by going there (and millions more by watching the info from people who attended) that Russia is NOT what they have been told by the cheaters and liars who want everything for themselves. But there is a long way to go! Tell the lying propagandists that YOU KNOW THEY LIE at every chance you get.

(UPDATE Dec 14/2018: This entry has been updated with my take on the new president we seem to have 'installed' in Brazil, and the removal of many words in all caps. Several people have told me - rightfully so - that I need to slow down on the caps, and I agree. In my distress over finding out how crazed our 'overlords' actually are, I tended to write in caps for words I would emphasize in speech, and I will review my other entries with this in mind.)

Monday, July 2, 2018

Privatization - Biggest Scam We ALL Need to Know About

Fasten your seat belts - this is quite the ride after decades of being duped by the greedy rich who have misused their power and positions.
Basically, the only reason we do not have good things like most other advanced countries have is because the greedy sociopaths running things for decades wanted our unlimited federal money for themselves. Unlimited money? HOW CAN THAT BE? Yes, since the 70s, they understood that the federal government could issue any amount of money for anything that is physically possible.* And they wanted that money for themselves instead of using our money for the good of all as directed by our Constitution (Article 1, Section 8).

They devised the scam of privatization to get the money and took that scam global, getting money from our country and many others that could issue money with almost no constraints (meaning that the constraint is 'what is physically possible', or put another way, real resources are the constraint). But of course they needed plausible LIES to dupe the public, right? And so they pretended that our federal money is finite and 'like a household budget' to dupe us so they could implement their scam. They lie about our national 'debt', for example; it is actually our national savings account! They lie about having to raise taxes in order to have nice things. Every fearmongering thing they tell us is a LIE - about the debt, about the deficit, about 'can't afford', about 'have to make cuts to some programs', and on and on. We have seen the billions and billions approved for the war profiteers, the prison profiteers, the detention facilities, the healthcare insurance companies and more. WHY? Because people running those systems get to bill any amount and then siphon off whatever they want to get rich beyond what any normal business could achieve. Many - if not most - privatized companies are on the stock market, and the other corrupt thieves invest because they know that profits are guaranteed by our federal money! (This also applies to the countries we corrupted back in the 70s and 80s with the privatization scam - Australia, the UK and others.) Again - our Constitution directs that federal money be spent TO PROVIDE FOR THE GOOD OF ALL! As I see it, our corrupt elected officials have neglected their duty, disobeyed the Constitution, misappropriated federal funds, caused great harm and decline to our country, caused suffering and struggle for the American people, committed WAR CRIMES in many countries as they destroyed them, and more.... for money. They lie, cheat, steal, kill, imprison and detain - here and in other countries - as they go for their next 'money fix'. We must take the control OUT of the hands of pathologically greedy sociopaths and get ethical people in control of the government in order to help the country, humanity, and the entire planet.
*More info about how federal money REALLY works:
- Professors of economics put up Deficit Owls channel to inform the public. Start with this quick quiz and then peruse other info.

- A good short primer about our monetary system to help clarify.

- This blog exposes the lies we have been told, one at a time. That was what I needed to help dismantle the web of LIES I had been told for decades.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Privatization: Biggest Scam, Web of Lies, Cabal of Thieves

Privatization is the biggest scam ever enacted, devised by a cabal of pathologically greedy money addicts who colluded to enrich themselves as much as possible. This cabal already had access and clout in the US, and knew what it meant when the US went off the gold standard in 1971. They were salivating at the prospects, but could not let the public know the truth, because what they were doing was criminal, nefarious, unethical, inhumane, and utterly despicable. They knew that if the public understood the truth, they would be stopped - and maybe even stopped dead, literally.

And so, back in the 70's and 80's, they took their scam global as they spread their tentacles of greed and corruption to any country where they could entice similar greedy, unethical people to take part. Of course some of those always had to be in government - persuaded, bribed, or replaced if they would not agree to this scam. Yes, the insatiable US schemers took out some top politicians with various contrived narratives so they could pillage and plunder other countries - assassinating or ousting, over and over again.  Heck, our CIA even helped to oust a decent Prime Minister in Australia in 1975!* (Not all of the interference was about privatization - the greed and corruption could also be about control of resources, or of a strategic location, and other aspects of getting MONEY in various ways.) 

The web of lies needed so that these criminals could 'sell' privatization to the public has two aspects: the first part misinforms the public about how spending is done by any country that issues its own currency, and the second part is to offer the 'privatization' solution to the completely fictional problems that the liars say that the country has, and in many cases the liars have CAUSED by intentional defunding of systems that could have and should have been properly funded.

Web of Lies Part I

The lies about the government money go like this: The country 'can't afford' things that the people want, the country is 'in debt', the debt and deficit are 'scary' and getting larger, 'cuts have to be made', and similar lies. Most of us in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia and other countries will recognize these words and phrases; duping the masses who never studied macroeconomics was fairly easy as long as everyone at the top was on board with the lies. And how could the public envision anything else if they ONLY knew about personal and household budgeting? Here in the US, if people demanded decent things like MANY other countries had already provided for decades, the fearmongering about 'higher taxes' usually succeeded in squashing enough people for a while. Most of us have not studied macroeconomics (VERY different from business economics!), so how would we know that everything we were told was a lie? In other countries that already had decent systems, the lies could simply start with 'not enough money', 'have to make cuts', and so on.

The liars knew they could use the 'money doesn't grow on trees' and such admonishments to great effect. And they laughed privately, sneering that we did not understand that these countries that issue their own currency actually DO issue it 'out of thin air'! More of us have seen this - here in the US, billions and billions and BILLIONS of dollars are approved for defense (more accurately called OFFENSE - ahem), disaster relief, and the those 
vital (yes, that is sarcasm) tax cuts for the rich. And maybe even a big PARADE soon, hooray! (more sarcasm) Meanwhile, Flint, Michigan has been almost four years without clean water for the people there! And in the UK, Theresa May suddenly 'found' a BILLION POUNDS for her deal with DUP - but still pretends that the National Health Service cannot be adequately funded. Do you see a pattern? Millions more people are seeing that EXACT pattern - always money for what the RICH want, never money to help the people. 

Here is the simple truth about countries that issue their own currency: they can issue ANY AMOUNT for 'anything that is physically possible and that can be paid for with their currency'. So anything that can be planned for sensibly can be funded. Period. Inflation does not automatically occur because more money is put into the economy or into the hands of people or into providing healthcare, hiring more workers, and so on. Sensible planning by humane, ethical people in charge can change EVERYTHING. The real question is always: "Is the economy capable of producing enough goods and services to meet everyone’s needs?"

Now - imagine the pathologically greedy and what THEY thought of when realizing that countries could issue unlimited money. Naturally, they set out to collude about how to get their hands on it! And that 'how' was to push for privatization. Anyone running a privatized system for the government of a country would be able to bill the government ANY AMOUNT, providing massive executive salaries and millions/BILLIONS in profits. Pathologically greedy people of course found this idea irresistible, and set out to put their scheme/scam in place globally. Watch Paul Ryan get informed by Alan Greenspan about the government's ability to issue any amount of money back in 2005. Back then he was confused, but I'm sure he learned quickly how it works and helped himself and his buddies aim that money to enrich them all. 

Web of Lies Part II

Public misinformation was in place about how a government can spend, and the second part of the web of lies was to misrepresent how the 'privatization' of things would help. It would only help the rich to get richer, but money addicts do NOT care about ethics, honesty, or humanity. They do not care WHAT they have to do to get their next 'money fix'. So lie they did - promoting privatization as 'saving money' for the government, and being 'more efficient' and being 'run like a business'. All lies so they could bill the government ANY AMOUNT, as noted above, enriching themselves massively. Government money is supposed to be spent FOR THE GOOD OF ALL, but with all these countries being run by the corrupt, most of the spending is aimed at the corrupt and greedy. Although the greedy could get rich AND could still direct spending to help the people, the economy, and the country, they are PATHOLOGICALLY GREEDY, and cannot stop - they want it ALL, and they defund systems (healthcare, education, infrastructure, and on and on) so they can lie to try to take over ALL OF IT.

Here in the US, we have many dozens of defense (should be called OFFENSE) companies, and they are FOR PROFIT. All of these for profit system want to be used MORE in order to bill the government more. Can you see the problem with that? And having such companies on the stock market, and people can INVEST in them? And having media owned by rich people who would ALSO like more of that money, and tell us stories about why we should be having constant and even MULTIPLE wars?

Many of these privatized systems even charge user fees to perpetuate the charade that they are being 'run like a business'. And perhaps those fees are also a symptom that the greedy are pathologically greedy, and must try to get every dollar they can take, by any means. Our federal prisoners now must pay for things like socks, phone calls, and other things. Disgraceful.

I will leave it there, and hope to do other articles on this. We must look at ALL privatized systems, like federal prisons in the US, and our healthcare insurance, and so on. They are working on education and infrastructure now, and they do have a LONG LIST after that as they try to run everything. 

* Due to the timing and knowing that our greedy were intent on pushing their privatization scam everywhere, I suspect that Gough Whitlam had said 'no' to such corruption. He was ousted just months after his national health program for Australia was implemented, and he had already blocked plans for drilling for oil on the Great Barrier Reef, as well as championed many other very progressive policies and programs. Doing things for the good of all and for the environment obviously interfered with the plans of the pathologically greedy who have no concern for humanity or environment in their pursuit of their next 'money fix'.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Let's kill Walmart....and Amazon too!

Walmart is CLOSING MORE STORES! Warmed my heart to hear they are having MORE problems, MORE stagnation. They are closing 10% of Sam's Clubs (63 stores) - this could open up room for some smaller businesses near the closed Sam's Clubs, and maybe a couple of cooperatives (worker-owned businesses), or perhaps it will just mean more growth for Costco and some grocery chains that treat their workers better than Walmart's disgraceful record on wages, treatment, cheating workers of overtime, keeping hours low, etc.

Just 2 years ago (January 2016) Walmart had to close 154 stores here in the US, but those were mostly their experiment with smaller 'Walmart Express' stores. They had already had some closings of super-centers, and had stopped 24-hour operations in over 60 super-centers in July 2015 (closing at midnight, reopening at 6 am); I DO love to see them reaping the rewards of the horrible, pathologically greedy, cheapskate way they have run their business for decades. I regret not being more aware much sooner, like many who were informed enough to fully understand how Walmart caused local businesses to close and took money OUT of communities through its practices and business model, and who knew how disgracefully they treated and paid the workers who helped them get rich beyond belief. I learned more about this just 5-6 years ago, and have boycotted them ever since. I watched the documentary about them: Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices  (from 2005, directed by Robert Greenwald) and read the excellent 2012 article by Stacey Mitchell, Walmart: 50 Years of Gutting America's Middle Class. It was EASY and very satisfying to NOT give them one more dollar for anything after learning from just these two sources, but there are many more available.

Poor Walton family - who knew that paying workers poverty wages for decades would eventually cause your sales to decrease as you helped erase the middle class that was responsible for your rise to success?

Who knew that being abusive and scummy and cheap with your workers might cause more people to BOYCOTT your stores?

Who knew that people would find out that Costco is MUCH BETTER to their employees, and decide to spend their money at Costco, or Publix, or almost ANYWHERE except Walmart (or Amazon, the other monolith we must slay).

Yes, Costco has paid better wages for quite some time, AND they provide benefits for workers who work just 30 hours a week. Meanwhile, our establishment propaganda media was crowing about Walmart raising their minimum pay to $11 an hour; oh, whipdeedooooo. Costco was paying $11.50 back in 2013, they raised that to $13-13.50 in 2016, and I think I read that they were raising it again, but since I cannot find an article on that, perhaps the next hike will be in 2019, since I read that they review wages every 3 years. And Costco provides benefits, as I mentioned above. Of course, these wages are STILL not enough, but I commend Costco for doing more than most.

Walmart is not raising wages out of the goodness of its heart, of course. No, they are finding it hard to get and keep workers as OTHER employers have been raising wages, so Walmart is doing fake PR, saying they are raising wages 'because of the tax cut' (LMAO) while now putting thousands of workers out of a job. Lies and propaganda so they do not have to face that they are the source of their own ruin (at least, I HOPE that we will see their eventual ruin). They already knew that their sales were not doing as well - that is why their research led them to open the Neighborhood Grocery stores, which apparently get $1 out of every $4 spend on groceries in this country! Right - even the people THEY HELPED TO IMPOVERISH would need to buy food, was probably their thinking.

So let's make sure we hasten their demise. Do NOT buy from Walmart, or their Neighborhood Grocery stores, or from (which they bought, so now I cannot buy from Jet). And let's do the same with Amazon (and Whole Foods, which Amazon bought), who Walmart blames as being responsible for their lower profits and store closings. If that is in any way true, then I enjoy that one greedy, inhumane, unethical monolith is getting pushed back by another greedy, inhumane unethical monolith - and I would like to improve our economy and our lives by shrinking or killing BOTH of them. However, I actually do not think Amazon is the only source of Walmart's decline, and this Business Insider article mentions some other aspects. I myself buy from Costco, Publix and Target, but get all produce at my local produce store, so that a small local business family and their workers can benefit from the local business that they have. Yes, the bigger stores have produce, but I want that local market to survive and thrive.

So - let's kill Walmart AND Amazon; let us increase the number of people who will NOT give these two monoliths any money. Not one dollar. These vultures, cheats and money addicts MUST be shown clearly that the American public will NOT give them money with which to continue their treachery.

It was actually easy and fun for me to bypass Amazon - I looked up 'online bookstores' for great lists of other sellers; I looked up alternative sellers right from a search and sometimes from Amazon's own site, and often the prices were BETTER. That surprised me, as I expected to pay a bit more, but often I do not. However, a few dollars more going to a smaller seller still gives me terrific satisfaction, knowing that the greedy monoliths are not getting my money. And I found Wonderbook and BetterWorldBooks and many others for books, and am thrilled to give them my business, however little that may be. Also, I found many SPECIALTY online bookstores, which would be of use to many people.

This refusal to give our money to disgusting employers is something most of us can easily do without taking much time from other activism we are doing. Let's share, spread the word, and motivate others about how easy and satisfying it is knowing our money is NOT going to these greedy sociopaths, and remind them of how much better off we are without monolithic corporate overlords.